4. Byte-Wallet and Byte Federal's web wallet
4.1 Byte Wallet
Three Easy Steps To Start Using ByteWallet
Download ByteWallet: Visit ByteFederal’s website to download the free ByteWallet or find the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. ByteWallet users maintain complete control over their private keys as the tool is noncustodial.
Create Accounts: After downloading, you can create as many crypto wallets as you like. You will not need an account for that! However, to unlock advanced parts of ByteWallet and to buy, sell or trade crypto will require a Byte account. You can also opt to create a traditional bank account within the app. Here, you can conduct bank transfers, send wires, and cash checks.
Find An ATM: ByteWallet users can use one of ByteFederal’s ATMs to buy or sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Fees are built into the rates, and all ATM transactions are recorded with receipts for easy verification. ByteWallet users can find a comprehensive list of the 1500+ ATMs across the United States by clicking here.
Log-in: Wallet users can instantly log in to a ByteFederal ATM by simply flashing their wallet QR code. In addition, ATMs also offer gold, gift cards, and other trading signals, with more offerings added regularly. Security measures, including KYC and AML standards, help mitigate scams, hacks, and theft.
Come Prepared! Lastly, for the best trading experience, read this list of essential items to bring to a ByteFederal ATM.